What is the meaning of the word: vital?
- essential for continued existence and success
- full of energy, lively
You probably know the incredible benefits of Aloe Vera gel, Argi+, Forever Daily, Forever Artic Sea, and Probiotic, if not please read the benefits below. These Vital5 products are now packed together at a discounted price.
They create an excellent opportunity for you to help yourself and others enjoy advanced nutrition made simple
(Sponsor: 360 000 272 751 --- BENKE Zoltán)
Included in Vital5 package:
Nourishes the digestive tract – one of the primary components of the Nutrient Superhighway, where our food and nutrients are absorbed. Aloe can help to support nutrient absorption and bioavailability as well as wast elimination.
Provides essential vitamins and minerals and help to ensure we are obtaining the levels of these nutrients we need for optimal health. It can also help to fill in the nutrient gaps that can result from our modern diets. These nutrients are then carried along the Nutrient Superhighway to our cells and tissues to support optimal functioning.
Tilts the balance of good and bad bacteria in your favor by increasing the good, helpful bacteria in our bodies. This supports digestion and the absorption of nutrients onto the Nutrient Superhighway.
Provides the essential Omega 3 fatty acids that are often missing from our modern diets, including a uniquely high level of DHA – one of the most important Omega 3″s we can consume. Maximizing our intake of Omega 3’s from cold water fish helps to bring us closer to the ideal 1:1 ratio of Omega 3; Omega 6 fatty acids. This helps to support the cardiovascular system and digestive tract – both essential components of the Nutrient Superhighway.
There is no secret to feeling great!
- Eat healthy
- Exercise often
- Take the Vital5 every day!!!
(Sponsor: 360 000 272 751 --- BENKE Zoltán)